Indias Failed China policy: Lessons from Nehru-Menons Blunders

As KarnaSena previously noted, China was able to bring the world to its knees with its export of the Wuhan virus via international air travel while simultaneously banning its domestic travel.
Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, China has used this current powerplay to undermine Indian sovereignty. The aggressive move by PLA and the Chinese Communist party along LAC proves that China is an existential threat to India.
It started in May 2020, with China grooming its new puppet Nepal's communist government to pick a new fight with India - in this case, regarding Nepal's false maps claiming Indian territories. It is now clear that India needs to treat Nepal as a hostile state that poses a threat until there is a change from the current pro-China communist Nepalese government, especially Nepal's PM KP Sharma Oli, who is essentially now a Chinese puppet. The Indian government needs to rethink trade policies and the preferential treatment that Nepal enjoyed for the past seven decades.
At the same time, China audaciously decided to venture into Indian territories along LAC, to "show India its place". The main reasons behind this aggressive move seem to be that India's recent border infrastructure development along the LAC, which China itself has been doing for the past seven decades, and fear of India warming up to the QUAD global alignment (India, US, Japan, and Australia).
Also, India was able to get a leadership position at the WHO, which is a nightmare scenario for China, especially if the WHO, under new leadership, decides to deeply look into the Chinese Communist Party's role in the Wuhan Virus. And finally, if there's one thing that makes China lose its sleep is a stable and strategic partnership between QUAD countries that include India, USA, Japan, and Australia. Along with the Indo-Pacific QUAD, India would likely attract global countries who are trying to move manufacturing and trade away from China as a potential destination.
As much as China wants the world to believe that "China doesn't consider India as a threat" or "China's rivalry is with US not India", one has to look at the actions, not the words. The following are some of the Chinese actions regarding India in recent history.
Ever since Xi Jinping has become president of the People's Republic of China, China put its expansionist ambitions into overdrive. Xi Jinping started the "One Belt One Road" initiative, started altercations with multiple countries in the South China Sea. China also started the construction of CPEC through Indian Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan at the moment.
The following are a few key ways how China currently undermining India:
- China is the only UNSC permanent member that vetoes India's UNSC seat bid consistently, ironically the same UN seat that was gifted by Nehru.
- China uses Pakistan as a puppet state to force India to focus on Pakistan instead of the real threat of China.
- China successfully turned Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh into anti-Indian states with corruption and debt-trap diplomacy via the "One Belt One Road" initiative.
- China successfully penetrated Indian Lutyens media, NGOs and Indian left parties like Congress and the Communist Party of India, who consistently act as blockers for Indian manufacturing initiatives.
- China consistently breaks trade deals and rules to tilt the trade deficit in China's favor. it is estimated that currently there is a $60 billion trade deficit that's in favor of China. This trade deficit has been solidified under the anti-Indian Congress/UPA rule from 2004-2014. It is widely believed that secret MoU between China and corrupted Congress party played a huge role in this phenomenon.
- China funds and supports separatists movements in Northeast India.
- China helped Pakistan during every India-Pakistan war in the form of equipment and intelligence sharing.
- China actively encourages and supports cross-border terrorism from Pakistan.
- China making sure India kept in check, has sold nuclear weapon technology to Pakistan changing the dynamics of India-Pakistan military strategy forever.
- China constantly engages in strategic border skirmishes, forcing India to focus on Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim while making India ignore the Chinese illegal occupation of Aksai Chin and Tibet.
- China uses its power in the UN and other international forums to consistently damage India's economy and clout.
- China constructed a string of pearls that surrounds India in strategic military way that in case of war, China would eliminate Indian geo advantages with the help of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
- China uses it's software and hardware technology to spy on India with the help of apps like TikTok and Xiaomi/oppo phones.
India's biggest threat is China for the past seven decades, it was never Pakistan. However, because of Lutyens media's influence average Indian undermines China's role in India's sovereignty. The sole reason, Pakistan even dares to openly state nuclear threat is China.
Unfortunately for India, because of the Congress government and Lutyen media who propagandized Indian foreign policy assisted China for the past seven decades. Independent India's biggest blunder of the 1962 Indo-China war is evidence for the said behavior.
Now that China has been making aggressive bullying tactics encroaching India's territory, It is now clear that the India-China war is an inevitable scenario that's going to be a possibility in our lifetime.
India-China war is now a real possibility that's bound to happen in our lifetime. and the question is, How can an average Indian learn from Nehru's grave blunders and help India counter China. before that, It's very important to learn the history behind Indo-China relations post-Indian independence.
Nehru-Menon’s Blunders Regarding China:
After Indian independence in 1947, Gandhi-Nehru's role as controlled opposition is over and Nehru was crowned as Leader of a new-born country who wasn't democratically elected but with the blessing of British officials and controlled opposition figure called Gandhi. Saradar Patel who was democratically elected to lead Independent media, Gandhi persuaded Patel and made sure Nehru takes control of India's future.
Soon after Nehru, called his elite communist close friend V. K. Krishna Menon from London to "help" design India's foreign policy and defense policy.As much as Nehru considered as one of the worst leaders of any modern country, it is the combination of Nehru and V.K. Krishna Menon that proven deadly to Independent India on multiple fronts that could take centuries to recover from if at all.
It is Menon who also started a long tradition of Indian National Congress (INC) blatant corruption that continues this day. The jeep scandal in 1948 was the first major corruption case in independent India which he architected in a sleazy way and of course, was protected by Nehru.
Menon who is a self-declared communist and a strong supporter of China contributed to Fatal blunders that damaged India irreparably. Even though Nehru-Congress 97 blunders are across the spectrum of Indian internal and external issues. For the sake of this article, below are some of those blunders regarding China.
- The delusional Nehru-Menon’s duo fatally damaged India's military future by experimenting with demilitarization to prove that "peace and talks" alone would solve all of India's threats, a delusional thought that India's enemies China and Pakistan didn't share.
- Nehru rejected the Gwadar port which currently used by China as part of a string of pearls.
- Nehru-Menon's eagerness shows the World that India is not a threat to China and Pakistan resulted in Nehru-Menon duo destroying any sort of initiative for an Indian Intelligence Agency post-independence. A foolish naive blunder that led to damage to India's internal and external security including the humiliating war of 1962 with China and partial illegal occupation of Kashmir by Pakistan and China. It was 1968 where India finally formed RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) which is considered ineffective to this day with bureaucracy and rampant corruption. In comparison, Pakistan's ISI was formed in 1948 and the Chinese intelligence agency in 1939.
- The failed policy of Nehru-Menon's Non-alignment movement where India sided with Soviet early on and critical of USA (therefore it turned into an allied movement with no strategic benefits) which led to a failed foreign policy that India suffers to this day.
- Even though the USA was frustrated by India's support of the Soviet Union, both the USA and Soviets offered India a seat at the UN's permanent council because, at the time, India was a major democracy in Asia when compared to communist China. It is Nehru-Menon's genius that in their eagerness to show China "India is a friend to China". They fought so hard to make China the UN security council's permanent member. A privilege that China denies India to this day. It was such an epic blunder that not only India lost the seat at the UN table but made sure it's rival gets the seat at the table ironically which made the USA angered towards India.
- Nehru-Menon duo is the strong opponent of Nuclear technology which made India lose valuable headstart by four decades compared to China at the time.
- After India defeated Pakistan in 1948 war where Pakistani forces were neutralized, instead of retrieving Indian territories occupied by Pakistan, naive Nehru took the issue to the UN where failed negotiations led to favor Pakistan to keep the territories it illegally occupied. A grave blunder that India suffers to this day and resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths and the formation of anti-Indian China-Pakistan's nexus.
- One of the most damaging Nehru's Chinese policies is regarding Tibet which's still considered as shameful Indian nonintervention that's resulted in hundreds of thousands of Tibetan deaths because of Nehru-Menon-Panikkar blatant pro-China stance. Given how Lutyen's media gush over Nehru and Menon's "legacy", it has been well-hidden history with how India mishandled Tibetan situation. In the 1950s there China was openly stating that it would illegally invade Tibet. India at the time was a close ally t Tibet that India was in control of Tibetan's transactions to the outside world and even maintained Buddhist missions in Tibetan cities like Lhasa and Gyangtse. International communities were strongly against Chinese aggression in Tibet and were waiting for India to take lead in raising this issue in UN, which was a no-brainer opportunity for India to make Tibet as a potential ally or even possibility of friendly Tibetan government's voluntary annexation into India given how Tibet and India share cultural, religious, spiritual and geolocation. Nehru along with his elite communist statesmen V.K. Krishna Menon and K. M. Panikkar essentially encouraged China to invade Tibet with no repercussions. Panikkar who was an Indian ambassador in China turned into a Chinese propagandist in India advocating that India should not interfere in the Chinese illegal Tibetan invasion. Nehru who didn't waste a day in bringing India's internal Kashmir issue to UN, regarding Tibetan issue, he fought so hard on behalf of China in the UN and made sure there is no International community backlash against China. Sardar Vallabhai Patel even warned Nehru multiple times that “Even though we regard ourselves as friends of China, the Chinese do not regard us as friends.” that it would be a grave mistake that India would suffer for centuries. Eventually, with Nehru and his corrupted communist cabinet's support, China was encouraged to invade Tibet with no backlash from anyone. Even the Chinese were shocked by the naivety of Nehru and his congress cabinet, they requested the same response multiple times from the Indian government. Eventually, China invaded Tibet with ease, resulting in thousands of deaths and decades-long oppression Tibetan Buddhists that continue to this day. This action by Nehru directly contributed to China now sharing thousands of miles border with India that resulted in a painful 1962 war and thousands of Chinese aggression that continues to this day including 2020's Chinese aggression in Ladakh.
- While Nehru encouraged and allowed China to successfully invade Tibet, at the same time, he was a strong supporter of China in the Korea war in the UN to the extent, many world leaders confused if Nehru was prime minister of India or he was an ambassador of China.
- After Chinese successful invasion of Tibet, In early 1950 Nepal's king Tribhuvan offered to merge Nepal with India fearing a potential Chinese invasion of Nepal. The political mastermind Nehru rejected that offer to please China.
- Not only Nehru passed up on a one-time golden opportunity of merging Nepal into India, but he also meddled with Nepal's internal affairs by encouraging Marxist forces to fight against the Nepalese Hindu government. The effort was so rampant that Nehru's now rogue university JNU's scholar ended up becoming Nepal's communist PM. Ironically Nepal is now has become a Chinese puppet antagonizing India including 2020 Nepal's Map fiasco.
- Nehru and 70 years of Congress dominance in the Indian government and their failed socialist and corrupted policies made sure India never had common sense economic reform till the 1990s losing a valuable headstart to China on the economic front.
- While the list of Nehru's blunders goes on and on, let's wrap up this list with none other than the most humiliating and only defeat Independent India has experienced, the 1962 India-China war. Not only Nehru opened the can of worms with Tibet mishandling that resulted in sharing thousands of miles of border with a hostile country that is China, but he also mishandled subsequent Chinese diplomacy until his death. His utterly disastrous Panch Sheel program and "Hindi Chini bhai bhai" propaganda was sold to Indian citizens with the help of obedient Lutyens media. Nehru-Menon ignored years of warnings from the Indian military regarding Chinese military buildup along the Indian border and Chinese road construction in the Aksai Chin region. Nehru's communist cabinet tossed factual reports asserting that baseless naive belief that "China would never do that to Nehru". Ironically India was in a strong position to fight Chin in 1950a when China was invading Tibet where China was engaged in the Korean war and mighty Indian military and Indian soldiers were more battle-tested because of World War 2 when compared to China's new inexperienced smaller People's Liberation Army. However, after a decade long neglect and demilitarization that Nehru and his cabinet subjected the Indian Army to, the Indian army in 1962 was at the weakest point of India's history. General Thimmayya, who was one of most admired Indian army generals resigned in protest to Nehru's treatment of the Army and left a scathing warning that India is not in a position to fight China at the time. With an utterly incompetent Nehru and his cabinet, this 1962 war is often used as an example of how war should not be fought. A shameful chapter of Indian history where thousands of patriotic Indians soldiers were unnecessarily killed because of arrogance, corruption, and elitism of Nehru and his Congress cabinet, a painful story that Lutyens media and Khan market gang hides to this day.
- Unfortunately, the subsequent political leadership, diplomats, and army establishment failed to curb the Chinese threat, including BJP's Vajpayee 2003 blunder of Chinese appeasement.
- Currently, it's the pro-China diplomats, corrupted Indian bureaucrats, and even outright Chinese assets in India that's carrying this baton.
Before you start getting depressed, let's talk about some positive aspects of India as well. Ironically India's foreign policy, army, and security got improved by a large magnitude after the end of Nehru's 17 years of long India's "leadership" in 1964.
There was some reduction in pro-Chinese communists in government cabinet, especially V.K. Krishna Menon and K. M. Panikkar retired after the disaster of 1962 war and Nehru's death.
The following are some notable incidents where India benefited from lessons from 1962 failure in the India-China paradigm:
- While we only talk about the 1962 war when it comes to India-China wars, there is another lesser extent war in 1967 in Nathu La and Cho La where the Indian army completely humiliated and crushed China's PLA army. Unfortunately, pro-Chinese/pro-congress Lutyens media were successful in hiding this part of history that clearly shows Indian upper hand when it comes to ground war confirming the stereotype of the PLA army as "paper-dragon army"
- India was able to successfully crush Pakistan's attempt to invade Kashmir in 1965. What's important is India was able to prevent Chinese involvement by preemptively strengthening Chinese borders.
- A proper Indian Intelligence unit RAW was set up in 1968.
- After the 1962 war, India has never lost a war with either China or Pakistan. India was able to successfully pose a strong challenge to China avoiding direct Chinese involvement in India-Pakistan wars.
- In 1987, when China tried to intimidate the Indian army, when it came to face-to-face battle, China-backed down realizing the extent of Indian army preparation in case of any escalation.
- In 2017, this time India was able to successfully cross the border (into Bhutan) to defend India's close ally by stopping Chinese plans to militarize key junction by intimidating Bhutan, an Indian ally. After months-long intimidation and stare down tactics by Chinese media, government, and army. China had to turn back, this is even with the Chinese now a richer economy and superior global outreach. Too bad if only India had a similar strong leadership during Tibet invasion of a then Inferior China in the 1950s. Unfortunately this later turned into strategic setback to India after the Wuhan meeting between Modi and Xi where PLA finished the construction in Doklam.
- After the June 15 Galwan incident where 20 Indian soldiers were martyred, there are signs from Modi's government signalling massive shift from Chinese appeasement policy including purging Chinese contracts in Indian projects and banning spyware apps like Tiktok and 58 other chinese mobile apps.
Now that we have a decent backdrop of India-China past relations. Let's get into the most important topic, What should India do now? This has to be from both the Indian government and the Indian public. Because unlike China, India is a democracy with state governments holding key powers in non-federal issues. As a rapidly growing economy, we also have to abide by World Trade Organization rules that prevent relying solely on the Indian government regarding the Threat of China. On the bright side, now is a rare golden opportunity for India to strike while the iron is hot and avoiding repeating of grave blunders that Nehru and previous Congress governments did in the past. these opportunities include QUAD alliance and reform of Indian military capability.
We will discuss the ideas on how can we combat this existential threat of China in future upcoming articles.