Truth about World and Indian Politics
Indias Failed China policy: Lessons from Nehru-Menons Blunders
China audaciously decided to venture into Indian territories along LAC. The main reasons include fear of India warming up to the QUAD alignment (India, US, Japan, and Australia) and Indias border infrastructure development along the LAC, which China itself has been doing for the past decades.

Why Modi government should handle incompetent Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) with an iron hammer
Out of 97 Nehru grave blunders that damaged India to the extent it could take centuries for India to recover from, lets discuss one of Nehru and subsequent Congress governments blunder that still an Achilles heel for Indian army. Ordnance Factory Board (OFB)..

Why our office culture should shift to working from home
Imagine waking up in the morning, going out onto your patio/balcony, and surprisingly seeing mountains with snow on the peaks for the first time. You would think you are still in dreams, but this has been a reality for the kids in some cities of India..

China just won World War III: How China defeated the world with its successful economic and biowarfare
For more than 8 decades, humanity feared that nuclear weapons would herald the start of WWIII. China won without firing a single bullet.

Al Jazeera The Intercept journalist Mehdi Hasan calls Non-muslims are Kaffars who live like animals
Qatar state-owned media network Al Jazeera and eBay owner Pierre Omidyar owned media The Intercept currently employs Mehdi Raza Hasan, a journalist who is a darling of western left media.

Deranged Hinduphobic Lutyens Media and Khan Market Gang’s Latest Favorite Boogeyman - AKSHAYA PATRA
After failed propaganda against BJP and Modi in 2019 elections, Lutyens media and Khan Market gang are so desperate to find a story that demonizes Hindu non-profit organizations.

How a Pakistani/Islamic Lobby took over Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign sabotaging his aspirations
Failed to learn lessons from Jeremy Corbyn, How Bernie Sanders sabotaged his 2020 Presidential Campaign by committing the grave mistake of mixing politics with religion and flawed foreign policy contributing to breach of trust of American voters.

Is India prepared for the fatal threat that is being long ignored? - Saudi Arabias Wahabbism
The most concerning question is - Are Indian government and Indian public ready for dealing with the exponential growth of Sunni Wahabism in india, considering recent ISIS declaration to turn India into Wilayah of Hind from Kashmir to Kerala.

The curious case of the resurgence of Khalisthani groups and their ally Evangelical theocrat Pieter Friedrich
To understand the origin of Khalistan movement, we need to revisit the history of Bangladesh (then East Pakistan) and 1971 India - Pakistan war.

Debunking propaganda against India regarding repeal of Article 370
There has been a massive scale of propaganda happening regarding Indias removal of Article 370. This post is to debunk the western media propaganda sourced from anti-India sources.

The Epoch Shifting Modis Re-Election and How The Khan Market Gang/Lutyens Media Missed The Bus Entirely
This was a revolution, an epoch-defining moment in India’s post-1947 history and what is stunning to me is just how out of touch and clueless the deracinated anglophile ‘elites’ just were to this ground shaking moment.

A fundamental flaw of today
The so-called liberals are trying to fight on a fundamental flaw, which forces them into various sorts of logical contradictions, contortions, and hypocrisies.

Modi is Not India’s Trump: An Attempt to Bridge America’s Left with India’s Right
With elections underway in India and already in the early stages in the United States, comparisons between Modi and Trump seem like an easy way to understand the political frameworks at play in both countries. Given the predominant narratives around each of these world leaders.

61 Lies Told by Rahul Gandhi in One Interview
This below interview question and answers were sourced from India Todays Rahul Gandhi interview on May 2nd 2019. The formatting of QA is improper, however thats how India Today published the interview. The original Q&A is quoted and the lies are numbered below sequentially.

Understanding India, RSS and Religion Politics
When people in India talk about Hindutva or Hindu, they are talking about the ancient term which defines - LAND AREA not religion! I repeat its the LAND area the term Hindu came from the word Sindhu(which is a river.. right now in Pakistan).

In the Defense of Cow Worshiping and Media Bias with Cow Lynchings
I see a lot of people talking about cow lynching and worshiping. The sad thing is they talk a lot about the issue without even trying to understand what the underlying feelings about this issue is all about, and that is for both sides of the spectrum, left and right. I believe our view especially people living in urban areas are detached from ground reality of the past and current rural India.